domingo, 12 de febrero de 2012

"Missed Connections"

¿No te ha pasado alguna vez que conoces en (en el autobús, en la calle, en tu trabajo) a una persona que te parece interesante, extravagante, diferente o que te atrae y nunca más la vuelves a ver? ¿Nunca te ha sucedido que quisieras conocer a alguna persona con quien casualmente te encuentras todos los días, pero con quien lastimosamente nunca se da la oportunidad para conversar?

Si alguna vez te ha sucedido lo anteriormente descrito, te encantará el blog "Missed Connections" en el que su autora nos presenta una serie de ilustraciones que ha diseñado para representar historias de lo que se ha dado por llamar "conexiones perdidas". Todas las historias ilustradas por la autora proceden de un grupo en Internet conformado por neoyorkinos que publican comentarios con la esperanza de que el desconocido al que desean conocer lo pueda leer.

Acá los dejo con algunas de las ilustraciones de "Missed Connections" que más me han gustado (al final de cada ilustración incluyo el comentario que la inspiró):
Friday, March 26, 2010-m4w - 28 (Dumbo)Saw you sailing up Jay Street around 4pm on the most glorious golden bike.I think I'm in love.

Thursday, October 14, 2010My dreamy neighbor who plays obscenely loud music- w4m - (Greenpoint)Sometimes when you have played music late into the night or come home in the wee hours and turn it on, I knock on our shared wall or scold you the next day, but all along I am thinking how dreamy you are and how I just want to make love to you.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010-m4m, 27Noticed you the minute you walked into the room. White striped shirt, tie, and furry arms. We sat through lecture and spoke briefly afterward.

Monday, February 14, 2011- w4m -28I see you most mornings, and I think you've seen me too. I know how crazy this will sound, but I know exactly what our baby would look like.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011-m4w - 29 (Lower East Side)

I did a really bad job of trying to introduce myself on the subway. I asked about your white fur hat because I liked it, but then I didn't know what to say afterward . . . it was on the F train, from 2nd Ave to Jay St. Write me if you don't mind guys that fumble over their words when they're nervous.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011-m4w
I know you'll never see this but you are so pretty

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